Wednesday, July 02, 2008


Good evening everyone. Okay well today was a fun day. I went to Math camp with Sis, and did the usual. I had to yell at some kidds, *sighhhh so bad. Well anyways. So Ryan pulled out his cards and we just played Slapjack. :) Haha, UNDEFEATED TEACHERS! *Victory yell. Well anyways, today was a free day for the zoo, so I went to go see boyfriend and his sister and his cousin. :) Yay we got to see animals, all I wanted to see was penguins. Jeez the zoo gets boringer every year... especially when you get older, and the zoo takes out most of the animals. Jerks.... well anyways. I got home abut 2 hours ago? Something like that. I decided to update my MySpace, with what else, BUT PICTURES on my actual profile. Now great, the code that hides my friends and comments on firefox, does anything BUT WORK. I'm so furious. Back to createblog.. someone posts up a comment saying it doesn't work as of today and don't update your profile or it won't work anymore. OMGGGGGOOOOOODDDNESSS. Now anyone can view my friends and comments on Firefox, stupid stalkers.. I swear. I wanna delete my MySpace, but I use it to keep in touch, why do codes and people have to be so difficult. I swear I don't have anything to hide, but I don't like people being so close, especially trying to get info and know all my friends and whatnot. I'm low-profile. :) so lame, I'm still on createblog to see if anyone else wants to leave a comment on how to fix this damn problem...... well other than that the rest of my day was fine. I'm hungry again, and I'm waiting for boyfriend to come back from dropping off his dog. Blahhhhh. Well I'll probably update this later. Ouuu ouuu, I finished both of my R.L. Stine books, so now I'm gonna read something called Goy Crazy? Haha Idk, or one of my ham sup books. ;) Someone suggest some nice teen romance novels. :D Okay ttyl.

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